My name is Craig George. I get the honor of leading this great organization and the amazing peers that come through our doors each day. We recover together, OUT LOUD... in commUNITY!!!
My Story
My name is Craig George and I am the director here at Gardens of Hope. I get the honor of leading our dynamic team and a movement that is expanding access and opportunity to all those seeking recovery here in Toombs County. Here's a little bit about me...I paroled out of prison, from the Georgia Department of Corrections in 2015. As a returning citizen I chose to relocate and start fresh by moving to this community. I was determined to begin a new life in a new place and that’s exactly what’s happened. I am a person in long-term recovery from substance use disorder and I am so grateful for giving recovery one more shot. I spent 20 years on a self-destructive path of jails, institutions, and almost death. After 13 treatment programs, 2 prison sentences, and homelessness that took me all the way from the Salvation Army in Macon, Georgia to The Star Gospel Mission in Charleston, South Carolina, and everywhere else you can think of in between, I finally found freedom, hope, and purpose from active addiction! My recovery began when I found a community to belong to. I joined alongside others that had walked my same path and found a way out. Today I am part of the solution and I get to return the favor by helping others find their way to a life of purpose. Come join us as we plant seeds of change, here in Toombs County. Recovery happens together, in commUNITY.